Tuesday, 11 September 2012


For those of you who have or have had babies and toddlers, you will know that this means Sleep Through The Night.

I have a 1 year old and for the last 12 months kind people have regularly asked me "Does she sleep through the night?" its a standard question, same as when you are in a Taxi, you ask the driver how long has he been on shift, when does it end and has he been busy.

The dark circles under my eyes are not enough of an answer for kind people.

No, she doesn't sleep through the night, I think once or maybe twice she only woke once, but I now wonder if that's my sleep deprived brain playing tricks on me.

I exaggerate of course - some nights I get plenty of sleep, its just that its in 3-4 hour chunks.  In the early days it felt like she woke every 20 mins.

I meet many mums and my heart sinks when the conversation (as it always does) comes round to STTN.  There's always one mum who's baby has slept 12 hours straight since coming home from the hospital, but the majority of mums tell me their baby now sleeps through, sometimes I meet another mum who, like me doesn't have a STTNighter we exchange a ghost of a smile.  It will get better.

I won't do sleep training (CIO), so I will continue with my YSL Touche Eclat.

Until recently my LO fought sleep like it was some ferocious enemy, she'd be a gold medal winner if Fighting Sleep was an Olympic event.  A [Jedi] knight fighting tiredness with a light sabre.

How many times has the thought "Just. Go. To. Sleep" gone round my head, while bouncing, rocking, singing, soothing my wriggly wide eyed baby.

One night we started our 'routine' at 6.30pm - eventually she went to sleep 4 hours later.  Closely followed by me.

Sometimes after bouncing, rocking, singing etc. I'd get her to that point where her eyes flutter closed and she starts breathing deeper - then someone will knock at the door or ring the bell, someone will shout upstairs for me, the phone will ring: *bing* she's awake.  (I must apologise to friends and family at this stage for my grumpiness following an event such as this, as its usually their unknowing interruptions that have foiled my sleep plan)

I think my LO just doesn't want to miss a thing - she's too busy soaking it all up to close her eyes and drift off.

Of course this seems like I'm whining, I'm not, its supposed to be a humorous, tongue-in-cheek observation.  I know I am so lucky to be blessed with the gift of a child.

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